
Customer Testimonials

Driven by our outstanding reputation, Dolphin Mobility provides state-of-the-art customer service and after sales support across North and East Yorkshire and Cumbria.

"Quality product, excellent service throughout. Would be happy to recommend to family and friends"
Customer Testimonial June 2023

"Made such a difference to my life, really happy with everything from the first phonecall from the office to the fitting and then the check up afterwards."
Customer Testimonial June 2023

"Fantastic service from everyone, didn't know what to expect but really happy with everything"
Customer Testimonial June 2023

"Stairlift was installed at a stressful time and dealing with Dolphin was an easy process and was non-stressful compared to some of the other people we were having to deal with everything"
Customer Testimonial June 2023

"Opened up the next chapter of our lives. Been lucky to have the right support and really pleased with the whole process"
Customer Testimonial June 2023

"I now go upstairs to bed instead of sleeping on the sofa. The stairlift has been a godsend, allowing me to sleep better and have more energy. It has improved my quality of life so much"
Customer Testimonial March 2023

"I used to spend all morning upstairs, only coming down with a bag full of things as I did not go back upstairs again until bedtime. The stairlift has made living more flexible and pleasurable and has helped me breathe more easily as well."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"I have rheumatoid arthritis and the stairlift has made a huge difference to my life. My wife has also been using it, as she fell recently and broke her leg. She is recovering well, but the stairlift is making things easier for her."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"The stairlift has enabled me to get upstairs and bathe my two very young children again after 4 months of not being able to. It has made all our lives so much better. I have more energy as I no longer struggle to get up and down the stairs."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"The stairlift has made such as difference to me. I can now go up and down the stairs without being afraid of falling. It has boosted my confidence no end."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"The stairlift has been godsend to me, although it could be faster. It has made a huge difference to my life. I can now do things upstairs when they need doing rather than when I get up in the morning."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin offered excellent service throughout. Very happy with my stairlift. I can now get upstairs after spending 7 months sleeping on the ground floor."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin was very good, efficient and the people were polite. The stairlift has helped me enormously. I have difficulty breathing so getting up the stairs was very not easy. I still always try to walk down the stairs."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin has changed my life, able to get up and down the stairs easily and no longer have to crawl up and down on my hands and knees."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin has changed my life completely. I needed the stairlift because I fell down the stairs and broke my hip. But I now no longer worry about going up and down the stairs and breaking bones."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin has given me a new lease on life. I can finally get up and down the stairs without aggravating my arthritis."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin offers excellent quality and workmanship - my lift works perfectly and has changed my life."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

"Dolphin has given me a new lease on life, cannot fault the company. The stairlift has changed everything for me. Very happy with it."

Customer Testimonial March 2023

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